Author name: admin


Today’s wireless world – build a better network

Network infrastructure is the backbone of all of your operating and communication systems, enabling connectivity and management across your enterprise, whether residential or commercial, wired or wireless, or a hybrid.  It’s hardware and software and services.  As its name implies, infrastructure is the platform that sustains a structure.  Now, imagine a major interchange with on ramps and exit ramps, detours and warning signs, roads shooting off to far destinations.  Every ounce of concrete and steel beam is carefully designed to carry the load.  Ok, so that’s a bit exaggerated, but the point is that each connection point, each pathway, is essential to the seamless operation of your network. A wireless local-area network (WLAN) uses radio waves rather than ethernet cables to connect devices to the internet and network.  When first introduced, wireless connectivity lacked in speed and, most felt, in security.  Today’s wireless networks, however, are robust and feature security protections.  They are cost-effective in that they save installation and cabling costs.  They are also expandable, easy to set up, and offer increased mobility and collaboration as the systems allow for workers to connect from anywhere with ease.  The next level of Wi-Fi connectivity is a wireless mesh network, an emerging technology that utilizes a mesh of nodes (small radio transmitters) that talk to each other, creating a network blanket across a large area. But that’s a bridge that spans across our “interchange”. A Hybrid Network, on the other hand, can mean one of two things. Yes, it can refer to a wired/wireless combination as it contains two or more communications “standards” in one design, but it can also mean a network design that is comprised of two or more lines of product.  Both definitions offer plusses and minuses. No matter the type, networks are designed and engineered structures providing a freeway of bandwidth and throughput for critical data.  We don’t require concrete and steel to meet the performance needs of today’s, and tomorrow’s, connected homes and collaborative offices, but some engineering and ingenuity is a must.  Give us a call. We’ll answer your AV/IT/IP questions and make sure your system is built on a solid foundation!

Sleek design

CEDIA Awards 2015

Thank you to all of our team members and partners who put us in a position to win a total of 5 awards at the 2015 CEDIA exposition, including the coveted Future Home Experience Award. This is a record win for any integrator in CEDIA\’s 27 year history!  

Sleek design

Join us for a Garden Tour – June 21st & 22nd

  This weekend, La Scala will be present at The Garden Tour in 2 of the 16 locations with the goal of showing you what is possible from a modern outdoor audio system. The Sonance Landscape Series uses strategically placed “satellite” speakers that are hidden within garden beds or amongst the foliage of trees. A subwoofer enclosure is then buried under ground or within shrubs, with just an earth-colored hood dispersing sound perfectly. It’s all about blending discreetly into the surroundings.   Summer is nearly upon us and so it is time once again to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. Many of you have invested heavily in your gardens, whether it was with blood, sweat and tears pruning the flora or perhaps you took a more laid back approach and had someone else do the dirty work. This weekend, La Scala wants to further inspire your love for getting outdoors and give you an opportunity to see what others have managed to achieve in their own gardens and what better way to do this than to walk 16 privately owned gardens as part of the Heritage Vancouver Society Garden Tour. The Garden Tour, now in its 3rd year, has an eclectic selection of gardens, ranging from grand park-like estates to tiny townhouse gardens showing creative use of small space. There is a garden for all tastes on show including a hidden English cottage garden with Kai pond, a stunning contemporary house and garden, a garden created with salvaged materials and gardens that include fruit and vegetable patches…which one will be your favourite? The event runs from June 21 to June 22. La Scala will be present at The Garden Tour in 2 of the 16 locations with the goal of showing you what is possible from a modern outdoor audio system. Each of the “La Scala” gardens will be discreetly equipped with a Sonance Landscape System, a system capable of producing jaw dropping audio quality without upsetting the aesthetic or balance of your outdoor space. Traditional outdoor audio setups rely on a pair of weather proof speakers installed on the back wall of your house or “rock\” speakers attempting to hide in your planter beds. The problem with these systems is that they look awful on the wall and they tend to produce poor sound – too loud for those near the speakers and not loud enough for anyone further away. They also allow your neighbours enjoy (or not at all enjoy) your music selection. Sonance Landscape System utilizes multiple discrete speakers and a below-ground subwoofer to produce amazing results, that are perfectly even and balanced no matter what part of your garden you are enjoying your cocktail in. The system also focuses the sound away from neighbouring properties, helping you maintain better relations with those next door. SLS is an infinitely expandable and customize-able system, allowing La Scala to do an outdoor audio design that is perfect for your home and we think there is no place better for you to hear the system before making your purchase. Let La Scala come to your home and setup a Sonance Landscape Series Demonstration in your very own garden free of charge and with no obligation. Setup takes just minutes and we know you will be amazed at how good your own garden can sound. For tickets to the event or to book your own private demonstration please contact: Ian Burrows [email protected] 604-360-6039

Others, Sleek design

La Scala receives Small Business Partnership Award at National Gala

La Scala – Vancouver Opera – Small Business Partnership Video Small Business Partnership Award – La Scala Home Cinema and Integrated Media – November 15, 2013 Since 1960, Vancouver Opera has been providing British Columbians with stimulating and enriching programming that redefines opera and its accessibility. In 2011, it undertook a multi-phase renovation of its new home The O’Brian Centre for Vancouver Opera. As the culmination of a long held-dream to amalgamate five separate spaces into one location, the project included the installation of multimedia equipment (cameras, screens, and digital and telecasting technologies) to further engage the community. As a local company with many stakeholders in the arts sector, La Scala Home Cinema and Integrated Media provided $30,000 in leading edge multimedia and communications and equipment at an at-cost rate. With this new equipment in place, La Scala has played a significant role in the opera’s ability to further reach its community engagement programming. Thanks to their investment and continuing support, their spirit of philanthropy has also attracted and inspired other partners.

Sleek design

C Seed – The World’s Largest Outdoor TV

The C SEED 201 designed by The Porsche Design Studio brings you 201-inches of backyard entertainment. Redefining the way we entertain outdoors, Porsche Design Studio has blown up the outdoor cinema experience with the C SEED 201-inch retractable/rotatable outdoor LED TV. With a press of a button the waterproof TV catapults from your lawn & unfolds in 40 seconds unveiling its sleek beauty. With built in sub-woofers & 2,100 watts of power you will be sure to entertain the neighbourhood.

Sleek design

Audio Innovation by Steinway Lyngdorf

Steinway Lyngdorf delivers high-performance digital sound systems that combine design artistry and the finest craftsmanship with perfected technology. From compact music systems to commercial-sized cinema systems, Steinway Lyngdorf offers a complete range of systems all of which incorporate RoomPerfect™, the world’s first truly three-dimensional room correction technology, and the focus of one of the most comprehensive patents ever filed in the history of acoustics.