
Seek Professional Help! From a Certified Specialist, that is!

Resist!  It’s a sunny afternoon and you find yourself in your favorite home improvement store.  You stroll down the electrical aisle in search of a replacement wall plate and, BAM, there it is, DIY lighting control.  Dimmers, outdoor lighting…Oh, just imagine…”Honey, did you turn off the basement lights? No? Ok [picks up remote], I got it.”  Bliss. Sigh. You round the corner and on the end-cap display, spotlighted as if the clouds have parted and sopranos are welcoming a new dawn….motorized window shades!  With a remote! Simple, elegant…You’ve been dreaming about blackouts for the Master Bedroom and Home Theater…maybe a lighter weave for the family room to protect the furniture, ease glare on the TV and block the heat…sounds perfect but….not so fast! While DIY has its place, we caution you when it comes to automated lighting control and motorized window shades.  We’ve recently experienced many homeowners calling to ask us to re-program their lighting and window treatments, integrating their weekend project into their system, only to find out that what they’ve installed is a single-room solution.  For us, the beauty of whole-home lighting and shade is just that – a whole-house integrated system.  Pre-set configurations; all-on/all-off, entertain, away, Good Morning!, Goodnight! modes– Portrait lights on while the shades are down, can lights on with shades at 50%….elegance, control and options galore! So, be tempted by that jaw-dropping display…be inspired…but before placing anything in your cart, please check with us to learn your options.  We want to be sure you’re happy with your investment. Put the drill down and pick up the phone. We got this!

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Transforming an Integrated System into an Integrated Lifestyle

More than incorporating various electronic components, an electronics systems contractor integrates lifestyle – in your home and in your office.  In today’s digital world, it’s what we’ve come to expect.  Don’t let those expectations fall short. Proven methods ensure positive outcomes A true differentiator in the digital environment, as a CEDIA Designer we subscribe to a proven design-build process: Discovery, Systems Design, Engineering, Implementation, Service & Support.  This process begins with a thorough discovery that allows us to understand your current and future needs and wants, along with your budget and timeline.  This is a critical step that drives design.  Equally as important is the documentation that communicates that design. More than a list of gear When presented with a design, it is critical that you understand how the system will perform.  Too often a business or homeowner is presented with a list of components.  That gets you to the bottom line, but what will the system do?  How will it function in each space and how can you trust it will perform as specified?  Along with expert system design and engineering, you should be presented with a comprehensive document package that demonstrates proven design; project drawings, schematics, easy-to-understand scope-of-work, hardware and labor requirements.  Once approved, this package communicates the design to the installation team, programmer, architect, interior designer, plumber, electrician, millwork carpenter, etc. Lifecycle to Lifestyle Once engaged, the implementation process begins.  We manage the project throughout its lifecycle, communicating during each phase to keep you informed and in charge! Our R&D Process further aligns results with expectations. Designing your integrated lifestyle is more than a list of stuff, it’s how your devices and applications work together seamlessly throughout your day.  We want you to know what to expect. Expect to be blown away!

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Add Luxury to your Vacation Home & Value to your Income Property

Your vacation home should be just that, a vacation.  It’s a restful sanctuary free from headaches, unnecessary chores and stress.  This is where an automated home can shine, literally. You may be imagining your lakefront home with automated control of your lights, shades and water features. Or perhaps your mountain retreat with outdoor audio, a weatherproof LCD and remote control of your fire feature.  These features add enjoyment and value to your property.  But when you’ve made your Friday afternoon escape and pull into the drive, the last thing you want is a surprise such as a burst water heater, an A/C that’s been left on or, worse, evidence of a break-in. From basic security features and keyless entries to more sophisticated occupancy and water sensors, your home can alert you should something go amiss.  If a pipe bursts you can react immediately and get a service technician on the property, hours before you may be able to arrive.  You can grant him access and have the repair performed before long-term damage can occur. As a rental property, there is a tremendous perception of luxury and value in automation.  Easy navigation of the home’s unfamiliar entertainment system, for example, will increase their overall “experience” and enjoyment.  And they’ll appreciate the added security, particularly in remote areas.  You’ll appreciate that you can remotely mange your guest network, controlling which devices are allowed to be controlled, as well as the ability to turn off the A/C or heat when a door is left open. Upon your guests’ check-out, you can remotely assess the home’s condition, ensure the lights are off, the shades are closed, the appliances are as they should be, the thermostat is set and the gate is latched. When you’re ready to plan your perfect vacation get-away home, give us a call, even if it’s out of our area.  We can help design your luxury system and work with a trusted network of integration partners to make sure you’ll receive the service you’ve come to expect from us.

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Add Luxury to your Vacation Home & Value to your Income Property

Your vacation home should be just that, a vacation.  It’s a restful sanctuary free from headaches, unnecessary chores and stress.  This is where an automated home can shine, literally. You may be imagining your lakefront home with automated control of your lights, shades and water features. Or perhaps your mountain retreat with outdoor audio, a weatherproof LCD and remote control of your fire feature.  These features add enjoyment and value to your property.  But when you’ve made your Friday afternoon escape and pull into the drive, the last thing you want is a surprise such as a burst water heater, an A/C that’s been left on or, worse, evidence of a break-in. From basic security features and keyless entries to more sophisticated occupancy and water sensors, your home can alert you should something go amiss.  If a pipe bursts you can react immediately and get a service technician on the property, hours before you may be able to arrive.  You can grant him access and have the repair performed before long-term damage can occur. As a rental property, there is a tremendous perception of luxury and value in automation.  Easy navigation of the home’s unfamiliar entertainment system, for example, will increase their overall “experience” and enjoyment.  And they’ll appreciate the added security, particularly in remote areas.  You’ll appreciate that you can remotely mange your guest network, controlling which devices are allowed to be controlled, as well as the ability to turn off the A/C or heat when a door is left open. Upon your guests’ check-out, you can remotely assess the home’s condition, ensure the lights are off, the shades are closed, the appliances are as they should be, the thermostat is set and the gate is latched. When you’re ready to plan your perfect vacation get-away home, give us a call, even if it’s out of our area.  We can help design your luxury system and work with a trusted network of integration partners to make sure you’ll receive the service you’ve come to expect from us.

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Get Smart, Not Stressed

So, what is a SMART home or technology-enabled workplace?  And what makes it so smart to have?  It seems to be a lot of things, and for a variety of reasons.  To some, it’s an all-in-one remote (and we mean the whole house) control.  To others, it’s a mobile security system.  It’s a convenience, it adds to your home’s resale value, it supports energy efficiency, and the list goes on.  But what’s the common denominator?  What makes the home automation market worth a projected 78.27 billion dollar industry by 2022? It’s simple; it simplifies your life.  Granted, it’s elegant, it’s a solid investment, it enables you to be remote, it’s all those things, but what it really does is make life easier.  And isn’t that nice to come home to? So, if you were to design your SmartHome or automated workplace, what features would you want?  Here’s some fuel for thought: What’s important to you? What features would simplify your lifestyle or make your place of business more efficient and secure? Enhanced security solutions Access and control to lighting, motorized shades and security features from anywhere Update the look of your home or business Upgrade for resale purposes or to attract/retain today’s tech-savvy workforce Incorporate energy efficiency Improve the functionality   What would you want to control? Comfort (HVAC/heating and cooling) Home theater/entertainment or conference room control Lighting, window treatments Security and monitoring Distributed music with integrated intercom and doorbell Communications   Now consider compatibility.   Think about your favorite services such as Pandora, napster, Deezer …and your favorite tech- friendly products like Sonos, echo, Lutron – all can be integrated onto one platform. So what’s the trick to get all these devices and services to work together?  That part you leave to the professionals.  No stress, remember?  Technology is quickly evolving and today’s home automation integrators stay on top of these cutting-edge technologies.  They have continuous training and proper certifications to get your disparate pieces to blend in unison.  Music to your ears?  We think so. Now, don’t you feel smart?

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