Whether for privacy, keeping sunlight out, or for some insulation; whether from cold or heat, shades are an important facet of one’s home. Having the ability to control the various shades in one’s home or even have the shading control system programmed to raise or lower the shades under a specified set of circumstances is certainly a useful convenience.
Since shading can become part of the overall Automation system, La Scala provides shading in their various styles, shapes, colours, and sizes for all types of window types and sizes. We pride ourselves on having an in-house Service Department. That said, we don’t want to have to see our technicians addressing issues that are due to defects in the quality of the products that we provide.
This is why La Scala provides only high quality shading solutions. In addition, high quality materials make for a better experience, whether for esthetic reasons or other factors. Things like accurately rolling motors raise and lower your shades synchronously. As well, the motors are the quietest available – almost silent, and the longevity is exceptional.
There are even options for shades in areas that have no access to house power. Battery powered shades are available, offering the same quality and functionality as regular shade mechanisms. Better still, the batteries last for years before having to swap them out, and they’re standard size batteries one can replace easily.
All in all, shades make an amazing difference to any home décor plan. La Scala can meet with you and your designer to go over the myriad of options available.
Award-Winning Service!
La Scala celebrates being named a 2024 Lutron Black Diamond Dealer. This award signifies our excellence in Smart Home technology.