How big is too big? Well, that depends…

While we learned that going big with your screen allows for a phenomenal 4K viewing experience, it can only be truly taken in from the proper distance…and there IS a science to it!  Let’s consult Wikipedia for the concise, scientific answer.  “Optimum HDTV viewing distance is the distance that provides the viewer with the optimum immersive visual HDTV experience. Although opinions vary on the exact screen size to distance relationship, formal research and recommendations suggest closer is preferred to farther, to provide a more immersive experience.[1][2] How close? ‘As close as you can stand it’. Hmmm, not very scientific…but, it’s not exactly wrong either.

As with any viewed screen, flat panel or projection screen, residential or commercial, we consider content, viewing distance and viewing angles.  With HDTV, we understand that the increase in pixels means more details and, hence, a sharper image.  Increasing the size of the screen means more details and overall better picture but….only if the increase does not exceed the visual capabilities of the observer.  Yes, there really can be too much of a good thing!  A key component to the equation is the angular resolution, your eye’s ability to distinguish small details.  As explained in How to Calculate the Optimal TV Screen Size Based on Resolution and Distance, “everyone loses the ability to distinguish fine details once they’re a certain distance from the screen, and everyone can see individual pixels if they get too close.”  Here are the calculations as shared on tekrevue but, bear in mind, as stated so eloquently by Hector Barbossa, “the code is more like guidelines than actual rules.” Argh!  Just call us.